Scuba Skills Update


Not dived for a while? Need to practice before your open water training dives? Boost your dive confidence and practice your skills with an SSI Scuba Skills Update. This scuba refresher course is a safe and fun way to practice dive skills with an SSI professional and is often required to continue your diving training after time away from the sport. Start diving again now!

SKU: SSI-SSU Category:


Facts and Training Standards

It is easy for dive skills to get rusty and to lose confidence when you have not dived for a while. With the SSI Scuba Skills Update, we will get you back in the water and diving with ease in no time. This scuba refresher course allows you to review and practice scuba skills you learned in your Open Water Diver program, under the guidance of an SSI Professional. This is a great course to take just before a dive holiday, so you spend less time worrying about your skills and more time admiring the marine life.

If you are a non-certified Open Water Diver student, a Scuba Skills Update is ideal for practicing your dive skills before your open water training dives. With no fixed course duration, you can take your time and focus on the skills you need help with.

We’ll hand you off to our expert partners at Impact Divers, a team of passionate ocean lovers and dive experts based in Simon’s Town, Cape Town.

Minimum Age for Participation


Training Prerequisites
Academic Sessions


Pool/Confined Water Sessions


Open Water Dives


Maximum training Depth

5m / 15ft


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